Sunday, September 1, 2024

Fall Foliage in Vermont - September

30 Sep:  We did depart Wisconsin "early," 11:30 AM, and returned to the hotel in Cottage Grove that we liked last year.  Donna came over to join us for dinner at Applebys, which can prepare only broccoli and salmon for us, no baked potato, no rice, no bread, very unsatisfactory.  Ron walked to ALDI nearby for almonds, blueberries, raspberries and bananas; he forgot the spinach and sweet potatoes.  Our route was simplicity itself, I-94 forever into Minnesota, MN 95 south several miles, R on 70th Street to a traffic circle, L on Kent Street S to a R on 90th Street W to the hotel, 250 miles later.  Ron is now "free" for three days to work on that James Lea index.

29 Sep, Sunday:  We said our goodbyes to Stan & Raquel.  WOW, did they ever treat us good.  We rode left on Indian Trail to R on something to L on I-88 toll (pay on-line for 50% off) to R on I-39 N to US 20 E 1 mile to Valley Orchards to visit Spruce & Molly & family (Ada, Eve, and Otto) at an apple orchard in Rockford, IL.  A fun time was had by all.  Ron and Spruce regaled each other with reminiscences and stories.  Cynthia and Molly talked intently about who knows what.  The kids shot a bucket of apples via slingshot at targets, and Eve even shot an apple through the mouth of the target to win donuts.  After a couple of hours, it was time to get the kids home, so we said our goodbyes and rode north on I-39 to join I-90 into Wisconsin where we stopped for dinner in Madison at an IHOP and at a Comfort Inn for a night's sleep.

28 Sep:  We visited Raquel and Stan for the day.  It is quite unique for us to visit another couple, both of whom are genealogists.  Everyone took a nap in the afternoon except for Ron, who worked on his index.  We went to dinner at a new, ritzy Italian place that couldn't offer anything to fit Ron's diet, so he ate a plate of noodles and half of Cynthia's Norwegian trout (which was quite good).

27 Sep:  We enjoyed breakfast with Dave & Barb before packing and leaving Fort Wayne at 11:30 AM with a forecast of rain coming in an hour from the south anywhere along our route.  Our plan was to circumnavigate Chicago to Aurora, Illinois to visit Raquel and Stan  Despite the threat, we stayed dry and enjoyed the scenery, fields and occasional harvest activity..  Stan has lots and lots of interesting stories and an excellent memory (for his stories at least).  They fed us a delicious chicken, sweet potato and salad dinner.  Route was West Washington to West Jefferson -> US 24 (12 miles) to R on IN 114 a long way to join IN 14 through Rochester (where I expected rain but was not disappointed to stay dry) but there was a detour that took us north to IN 10 W until it crossed into Illinois and became a very rough road, IL 114 to Momene where we turned L on Second street and continued through Kankakee to a R on IL 102 that was a very nice road to Wilmington, IL, L on IL 53 briefly to R on Strip Mine Road, R on IL 129 onto I-55 N 20 miles to exit 257, L on US 30 4 mile to IL 59 N 10 miles that took forever, L on Aurora Road -> Indian Trail Road, L on Felton into Stonegate West, R on Havershire, 2nd R on Kingsley.  We were so happy to get off the bike and be done traveling for the day.

26 Sep:  We enjoyed a peaceful, quiet day at the Allen County Library (Indiana) with Barb and husband Dave.  They have certain traveled to a lot of places and have interesting tales to tell.  Since Ron had no research plan to follow, he didn't find anything important.

25 Sep:  We plan to leave somewhat early, ride all day through Ohio to Ft. Wayne, 230 miles.   Wow, Did we get wet.!!  We ran head on into a massive downpour or two or three on Ohio highway 3 southwest of Hudson, Ohio.  The rain started so quickly and came down so hard, that we didn't even have an opportunity to find a place to stop until after we were soaked through to the skin.  So, since we were so wet and the temperature was above 72 degrees, Ron decided to keep riding so that the wind would help evaporate all that water.  He was looking for a Shell station, but none appeared before the fuel gauge read only 10 miles left.  We stopped in Findlay at a Martin's grocery hoping to find a salad bar.  No such luck, but the greeter recommended Chick-fil-A for a good, big salad.  Bad recommendation, but we did get an inferior salad.  We arrived in Fort Wayne before dark and enjoyed a simple dinner of grilled salmon without any sides since the restaurant did not have rice or baked potatoes or steamed anything.  Route: Pekin Road west to L on OH 306 S fifteen miles to Streetsboro, R on Market Square to R on OH 303 W through Hudson twenty miles, L on OH 606 S eleven miles to R on OH 3 where the rain hit us like a hammer as we rode through Medina, OH and, rain-blinded, we missed US 42 S but still came to a R on US 224 forever, drying out a little bit more with each mile, stopping in Findley, OH for food, continuing to Van Wert, OH (146 mi), R on US 30 towards Fort Wayne (25 mi), straight on IN 930 towards downtown and our hotel.

24 Sep:  Walt says rain is forecast all day, so he took us to the renowned Cleveland Art Museum for the day.  It was wonderful; Cynthia really enjoyed seeing so much fine art (as I did also).  We walked and walked so far.  When we got back outside, the sunshine was very enticing, but that disappeared as Walter drove us home.  Pam cooked for us again this evening, salmon, brown rice, sweet potatoes and salad.  We are so happy that she is a VERY good cook. 

23 Sep:  We certainly slept soundly and long, not awakening until 8:30 AM.  Walt and Pam are busy with doctors appointments today, but they will have time to see us tomorrow.  It is drizzling, so we sat indoors all day working on the James Lea book.  The drizzle abated after noon, allowing Ron to rush out for groceries.  Walt and Pam invited us over in the evening for grilled chicken, quinoa, corn and salad.  (Pam is a very good cook.) 

22 Sep, Sunday:  Google maps said our selected route to Novelty, Ohio was 256 miles, and they were indeed beautiful miles with mostly good pavement.  We arrived at Walt & Pam's house just minutes ahead of Walt, a few more minutes ahead of Pam, and even a few more minutes ahead of Ben.  Everyone is tired from long days in the sun, so we all agreed to see each other later, like tomorrow.  Our route was full of turns, and we only got lost once.  US route 6 W to Smethport (93 miles), where we did not find a good restaurant, PA 59 W (44 miles) to Warren, PA, rejoining US 6 W (14 miles) to a L on PA 27 W (20 miles) to go straight onto the Enterprise/ Titusville Road (3.6 miles) to rejoin PA 27 W again (18 miles) to L on PA 173 S eight miles to a R on PA 285 five miles to an unmarked turn onto Adamsville Road (which was fairly bumpy but came to a T intersection that was unexpected - we crossed under I-79 as expected and wandered around on bumpy roads following the GPS for 20+ miles until we discovered Adamsville Road again and resumed our intended route) R on Liberty Street 1/2 mile to L on US 322 (43 miles) into Ohio to L on Auburn Road (3 miles) to a R on Pekin Road (3 miles) to Walt & Pam's.  A lovely day with surprising fall colors in several places.

21 Sep:  After heading west for 15 miles on old US 20, Ron missed the turn onto I-88, so instead we rode parallel to it on NY 7 for a dozen miles on a smooth road.  I-88 to Binghamton, NY (105 miles) and I-86 & Old US 17 W until Waverly (40 miles) when we dropped into Pennsylvania on US 220 S for about 15 miles to take old US 6 west.  Again the interstates were mostly smooth pavement with  a couple of 10-mile expansion joint lumps and bumps, but road work is underway to replace a couple of those sections.  Thirty-five miles later, we were nervously watching steel grey skies as we approached Mansfield, PA and decided to spend the night in the good Comfort Inn we found there.  Good thing too, color radar showed that it was raining just to the west.  The motorcycle is getting rained on now as I write this.

20 Sep:  Departure for Texas via New York, Ohio, Indiana, MN,  IA and Illinois.  Forty days on the bike?  We need exercise!  Well, we started at 3:30 PM after saying many goodbyes! and after Ron had pleasant success in the options market.  Instead of Binghamton, we are overnighting in Latham, NY. after a very lovely and comfortable ride on US highway 4 S 53 miles to L on NY 149 S for 12 miles to L on US 9 S a mile to I-87 S for 47 miles, a nice, easy 110 mile day on mostly good pavement.!  (I-87 had bumpy expansion joints for a couple of 10 mile stretches.)  Cynthia LOVED the hotel, especially the bed, soft enough to sink into, relax and sleep the night away.

19 Sep:  Our morning hike was again gorgeous; the trees are more colorful, fallen leave cover the trail, and we hiked quickly on our usual route to the top of the hill and back.  Cynthia took a HOT shower afterwards while Ron was fussing with recycling.  We ride up the montain to Cynthia's physical therapy appointment at 3:30.  Cynthia has got her box ready for final packing and shipping to Texas.  And she is learning to index.

18 Sep:  This is the take away from September in Vermont:  After two months in Vermont of conservative hiking due to her three torn tendons, Cynthia is trying to make up two months in twenty days.  This is what happens when she tries ro get everything done yesterday.  Cynthia is fatigued after longer and more industrious hikes, but happy to have those tendons healed.  We hiked to our favorite boulder and back in time for a 2:00 PM nail appointment.  Ron's last QQQ option sold while we were gone, so we are ready to do our final laundry here before packing those clothes and then eat dinner.  While Ron was finalizing travel plans, Ed Kellett did not respond to e-mails or phone calls, and Ron discovered an obituary; Ed died on 5 Sep, another excellent good friend gone.  (This is perhaps another way of defining time, by the passing of family and friends.).  Cynthia is going to miss Ed’s calls to Ron.

17 Sep:  And today we hiked to our favorite boulder atop the hill and down to the second turnaround spot, then returned.  Ron is feeling quite energetic and lively; Cynthia is exhausted.  Ron suddenly realizes that he hasn't updated the blog for two weeks, and with his memory like it is, those two weeks are lost forever.  He has been working diligently to clean up his "Google Drive," to document Oke's life (a potential best seller), to index the Lea books, and to recycle everything possible.  Suddenly it is time to pack everything besides all of the above.

16 Sep:  Physical therapy is cancelled.  We hiked Kent Pond to the big boulder.  Ron is trying to teach Cynthia about creating an index.  She is falling asleep.  It is easier to teach her when she is sleeping; she makes fewer mistakes.

15 Sep, Sunday:  Cynthia slept twelve hours!  Ron’s attempt to back up his new Mac to the time machine failed.  We hiked to the big boulder to see a cute little white fuzzy catapiller trying to hike up Ron's pant leg.  Then, back at the first stream, we witnessed a turtle (maybe a snapping turtle) big as a dinner plate with a head the size of a tennis ball.  Ron is attempting to teach  Cynthia about creating an index.  She prefers eating.  Ron's time machine backup refused to work despite trying several suggested fixes, but the fix that worked was credited to ChatGPT.  HA.

14 Sep:  We are in progress of creating a place name index to the Lea book, Volume I.  Our hike to the stone steps was exhausting.

13 Sep:  Cynthia wanted to reach Thundering Falls, so we rode the motorcycle to River Road and hiked to the falls, then up the steep climb to the big boulder and back to Thundering Falls Brook Road and River Road, walking to the motorcycle by road.  Cynthia was exhausted but pleased.

12 Sep:  Temps are warming up in the mountains!  Ron wants to hike early.  LOL  It is the same time either of us gets ready to hike… noon.  The problem is that Ron asks Cynthia when are we going hiking.  She replies, as soon as I finish my coffee.  She finishes her coffee, changes clothes and shoes and she is ready - but doesn't say so and starts looking at her iPad.  Ron, meanwhile is doing whatever he does while waiting for her.  So Ron is waiting for Cynthia whle Cynthia is waiting for Ron.  And we both prefer to stay busy, so when Ron eventually says when will you be ready, Cynthia replies that she has been ready for an hour already.  Ain't love grand !!

11 Sep:  We had a fabulous hike to the stone steps… another closed ring wonder.  The markets had good news

10 Sep:  We hiked to the big boulder!  Cynthia is learning about creating an index.  With her at the helm of indexing, it will be another two years before we get the books to the publisher. 

9 Sep:  Monday Physical Therapy after we hiked to the big boulder.  Ron updated Oke's story and decided that Cynthia could help with the index for her Lea books to speed things up to her satisfaction.

8 Sep, Sunday:  After breakfast, Cynthia was cold (49 degrees) and feels beat up, so we went to bed for a nap instead of out the door for a hike.  By the time we awakened, the forecast called for showers soon.  We had a day off.!!  Ron began cleaning old files from his Google Drive, updated the QQQ spreadsheet and did Sudokus. 

7 Sep:  We hiked Kent Pond ... carefully so as not to cause body ACHES.  We are guessing that this was the day we met a lovely couple through hikers who flipped to summit Kithadin and are now again northbound to finish after crossing the Kennebec River Ferry, Sundshine and Scarecrow, now as a couple Sunny & Scare.

6 Sep:   We did it!  We hiked to the ski run!!!  Amazing after so many torn tendons and so much pain!!!!  Yay.  It was only five miles but a lot of elevation gain,  Good for us!!!

5 Sep:  Cynthia organized stuff to get shipped home to Texas and arranged appointments for that first week back in Texas.  She arrives the 25th of Oct; Kiira's baby shower is scheduled for the 26th. Cynthia doesn't want to leave Vermont, a hiker's paradise, well, except in two weeks it will be cold!

4 Sep:  As we head inexorably towards our likely departure date of Sep 20, Ron took the first bit of recycling out and is mending socks now.  Oke's book is due for an update before Ron forgets everything Oke told him.  Most important is to go hiking after Cynthia awakens from a necessary morning nap.  If Ron gets pills done and sock mended, perhaps he will leave a note and hike up the Sherborne Pass Trail until Cynthia phones him. 

3 Sep:  Up and exercised, fed and ready to go hiking.  The temp of 60 degrees was perfect, the sun just warm enough, thank you, God!  Big day ahead with trip to Rutland for shoe repair and Post Office mailings.  Ron is busy mending a jacket while waiting for Cynthia to finish coffee.  Shoes should be ready by the 10th, excellent.  Postcards and check mailed, Great.  Hike was very pleasant, and Cynthia's back and feet complained less than usual recently.

2 Sep: We had a lovely day hiking after the sky stopped spitting on us. Ron finished sawing a maple tree across the AT Trail entrance at Kent Pond. A tree branch swatted him across the eye but he is fine. After dinner we showered and fell asleep!  

1 Sep, Sunday:  26 years have passed since Scott died from leukemia.  It seems like a moment ago.  Cynthia’s heart hurts like it was yesterday, but she is thankful for the memories.  We have been noticing more and more reds and yellows in the leaves underfoot as we hike, and a couple of the roadside trees have turned brilliant.  Fall is falling.  We enjoyed a "short" hike of 2 miles each way, taking it easier on our bodies for a second day.  Oke stopped by again with more materials (homework) for Ron to help "flesh out" his biography.