Thursday, December 1, 2016

Merry December

31 Dec: Happy New Year!!! We celebrate the 9th anniversary of The Great Marriage Proposal that followed four months of Together. She said, "Yes!" surprising us both. Today the rains sequestered us until mid afternoon; Jon later took us out for dinner at Steve's Landing. After a glorious sunset we walked the beach but the revelry is too much. Fireworks are loud!! It is party time at Crystal Beach.
30 Dec: Ron arose early; the sunrise was astounding. Barb captured the photo. Cynthia slept. Paul and his family arrived at 1: 45 for a cold beach day. The ferry road was briefly impassable due to a gas leak. Cynthia was thrilled to have two granddaughters here for a visit. We walked the beach with 2 year old Fyn determined to wear Beach shoes collecting shells loving the sea and sand. With 28 years and 6 feet between the youngest and oldest grandchild we marvel at this perfect miniature person. Jon joined us for dinner and great conversation. Peace reigns supreme.
29 Dec: The sun appeared on Crystal Beach; so did the wind whipping the sand as we walked twice today for a five miler. We especially enjoyed dinner at Steve's Landing with Jon, Barb and her niece from East Texas. The temperature cooled off enough that we won't do a night beach walk.
28 Dec: Only 3 more days to the end of another "Terrific Year of Together." And we have fun. To say I love you is only the half of it. Fog continues to abound as we walked the beach. We looked at a beach house with Jon and Barb before continuing on our projects. Not having wi-if is Not Good!! Dinner was interesting: Cynthia ate fried shrimp, one teaspoon of seafood gumbo, two hush puppies and splurged on a whole pint of Triple Caramel Chunk Ice Cream. We walked the beach in the fog.
27 Dec: Crystal Beach, Texas on the Bolivar Peninsula east of Galveston: Amazing that we are about to turn over a new year again already. I'm not going to complain about time flying (beats the alternative; time stands still for only those who stop breathing.) We have very much enjoyed this beach. Hurricane Ike took all the soft sand elsewhere and left firm sand on this beach that makes for very comfortable walking - so much so that we over-taxed our out-of-condition bodies yesterday, and Cynthia's resulting painful feet made for an uncomfortable night's sleep, poor dear. Ron Continues to work away on computer projects that require no internet connection (since this vacation rental comes with towels but no WiFi. (Jon and Barb have WiFi but no towels.). Did I say dense fog?
26 Dec: Merry Monday: Christmas blissing abounds. Jon and Barb arrived to spend a few days in their own beach house so we walked the beach - a five mile roundtrip - to visit. Cynthia's feet are too-much-over-sore. Dinner tonight with Jon and Barb at Stingaree's was delicious. Home again, we are pondering how to improve Our Bankston website searches on Google: Good night from Bolivar Peninsula.
25 Dec: Merry Christmas to all our friends; and Ron to Smooch Smooch, "I love you, I love you, I love you... and never in my wildest imagining did I imagine that a marriage, a relationship, could be THIS GOOD." We were buffeted by very high winds riding to the family Christmas gathering at Roxanne's home in Houston. Ho Ho Ho!!!
24 Dec: O Holy Night! After a busy day of beach bumming, computer stuff, showers, dinner at Steve's Landing, the night is young, the story never old. May Christ be born anew in your hearts this night, too.
23 Dec: White Beach Christmas - God does "the light." After walking the beach we bounded onto the bike to catch the ferry to Galveston Island. Guido's Red Snapper was not to our liking. We ran a few errands then caught the ferry home.
22Dec: 27 Miles of beach - only four people, three golf cars in sight - making this very a very peaceful beach.
21 Dec: Winter Solstice: "There is a calmness to a life lived in gratitude, a quiet joy," (Ralph Blum). Ron made delicious omelets before we walked the beach for 2.75 miles round trip. We added 3.6 miles roundtrip by hoofing it to Ocean Grille for dinner, returning with a sunset so magnificent that we stopped often to look back. Ron is nearly finished with the Clements Family Group Sheets.
20 Dec: We ferried forth to Galveston Island about noon-thirty. It was fun to watch sea gulls, pelicans and even blackbirds swarm above the ferry. Ron has a new best friend with a green truck who invited us to visit. Two hours were spent in Urgent Care for a minor infection that wasn't. The beach was really lovely; many large ships were lined up at the port waiting for inspection. Guido's Seafood is the IN place to dine, so we did. The return ferry was loading as we drove up but so many cars were ahead of us we were routed onto ferry# 2. About 10 or eleven people poured out from a Nissan wagon in front of us to watch the ferry cross the inlet - looking like a frat party piling out of a phone booth. The sunset was spectacular.
Our nephew Eric and his lovely family (Carol's son):
Cynthia's sister Merrilee and grandniece in NYC.
19 Dec: Real feel of 22 degrees! The high will reach 48 degrees; we will not take the ferry to the mainland today. At 4:00 PM we venture forth with heated gear to have dinner at Steve's Landing buy more sorbet and some Christmas cards for Sunday's gathering. Ron will mail our cards sometime next year or the next. It is a plan. This is our 9th Christmas together. It's a good thing we like each other being together 24/7! Bundled up, we walked the beach twice today to get our fit bit buzz of 10,000 steps. The sunset was glorious.
18 Dec: Brrrr! Real feel is 33 degrees. This means 10 degrees less riding on the motorcycle - we really felt it when we rode to Steve's Landing for lunch and missed the turn. We forgot the heat apparatus, too. Our salmon was so delicious, so, too, the baked potato. Thankfully, they will be open daily during our stay. Despite Freezing cold, Ron remembered the Gelato sorbet that comes in four flavors at the market; four is a good number in large quantities, plus a half gallon of fat-free sorbet that was greatly enjoyed upon our return to the beach house, all By Ron. The beach house does not have wi-fi so updates will happen eating out. We won't try the ferry to the mainland until warmer weather. Cynthia's sister Merrilee fell in NYC today; a man nearby said he was glad she fell because she was a Trump supporter. His picture was posted on FB and is being shared. Merrilee went to the hospital by ambulance, checked out OK and was released.
17 Dec: Baton Rouge to Bolivar Island, TX (beach house) to 5 January. The temp will reach 80 degrees; we were spared the forecast showers but not ginormous gusts of wind. An interesting stop was Delta Downs Rosewood Grille for lunch. Waiting for the doors to open, the chef passed by; Ron explained his heart condition and restricted diet with the chef acknowledging the perfect meal. And it was indeed. The beach house is terrific, but only one fast food restaurant is open our entire stay. We bought a lot of groceries. Cynthia fell down the last few steps to the carport in the dark landing on her hip. It seems to be OK but she should have it checked Monday when we can ferry to Galveston.
16 Dec: Biloxi, MS to Baton Rouge, LA - scenic gulf coast with serene water views on the left hand and antebellum homes on the right hand. In between stately white columned homes are lots of lots for sale where the devastating hurricane made many a direct hit in its path of destruction. Don's Seafood in Covington was a great place to lunch. Cousin Pat will join us for dinner tonight.
15 Dec: A mighty cold ride to Biloxi, MS; we followed the gulf coast roads staying at the Hard Rock Casino because the rates were $79.00. Guess they like mid week guests because our room/suite is in the tower. Two bathrooms, with a shower big enough for a car. Black and white decor with Mick Jaggers face painted on the bedroom wall. The temp was a bone aching 50 degrees in the room.
14 Dec: What happens in Mexico Beach stays in Mexico Beach. We rode to Port St. Joe for lunch at the Sunset Grille. Lovely restaurant but surprisingly few fish choices.
13 Dec: Mexico Beach, FL here we go! And six hours later here we are; we departed Macon at a Kairos 10:00 AM staying ahead of rain, fierce funnel shaped black clouds, into warm sunshine on the beach at $65.00 a night. Gorgeous sunset, brilliant moon and Subway. Restaurants winter hours - open only Th-Sun.
12 Dec: WooHoo! 15 degrees warmer en route from Lithonia, GA to Macon, GA to visit nieces.
11Dec: More Colderest: Ohmygoodness! 43 is the high today in beautiful downtown Athens, GA as we continue descent towards Texas where we are warned TX isn't any warmer. Our arrival in Lithonia, GA will be an hour from Athens not bringing any relief from the cold. Ron's nice warm gloves are in Texas but his socks are doing the Job along with heated handlebars. We look forward to visiting cousin Donald, the Bankston historian.
10 Dec is the day we resume riding south, and the forecast is a chilly 45 degree high that day. I knew we were a day late and a dollar short in our flight from cold weather. Fleeing south IN cold weather is not optimal. Heated gear will be connected. Our first stop is to see cousin Vince and his lovely wife Janet. By mid to late afternoon we arrive in Athens for dinner with cousin Quint and wife Lori. We overnight in Athens.
9 Dec: More Colder: Ron's schedule didn't vary after breakfast with Cynthia and Dick except the temperature dropped during breakfast. The dump was open to receive recycling. The USB extension cord was happily discovered along with three slightly used Christmas cards, too, at the Gowdo's. The mending Tape was not found so a purchase was made, the pants are patched. Cynthia did laundry and has her bag packed for morning departure. Tonight the gang gathers at Ruby Tuesday's for a farewell dinner. We love our SC friends.
8 Dec: Colder! After breakfast with Dick and Cynthia, Ron walked with the guys. Cousin Duncan is joining us for dinner this evening at Ruby Tuesday's. He is such a great guy.
7 Dec: Cold! Ron walked with the guys and worked at the Gowdos. By 5:00 PM Ron and Cynthia walked to Ruby Tuesday's for dinner with Lizbeth and Clark who kindly treated us to the Incredible Lexington Christmas light show covering acres of park and river area. We walked the river boardwalk through lights and laser shows.
6 Dec: Rain! Breakfast with Dick ended without a walk because of rain. Ron and Cynthia walked the mall with lunch at Ruby Tuesday's and tried to nap the afternoon away.
5 Dec: Ron was up at 6:45 and met Dick downstairs for breakfast. Cynthia provided him quite the surprise by sauntering into the breakfast room before Ron had finished eating. But then, we did get to bed early last night. Ron & Dick left at 7:50 to join Clark & Steve for a long walk around the Coldstream subdivision. Much fun conversation was had by all, but Ron had to cut short plans to hunt for mending tape at the Gowdo residence because his "pill alarm" went off and he needed to return to the hotel to assmeble packages of pills. We thoroughly enjoyed the Christmas concert at Riverland Baptist Church with Mary. The75 voice choir, string orchestra and ballet corps got us into the Christmas spirit.
4 Dec, Sunday: The BIG day, fish and grits at Lizards Thicket with the new hotter than hot sauce Clark & Liz gifted to Ron. We can all hardly wait. We were up early enough to grab a quick breakfast at the hotel. (Lizard's will NOT cook with little enough oil for our dietary restrictions.) Mary picked us up at 7:50am. (Cynthia was VERY grateful to avoid the COLD motorcycle ride this morning.) Liz and Clark entertained Ron all afternoon at the South Carolina State Museum in downtown Columbia. Liz gave Cynthia an email address of a Norwegian friend Ron met yesterday thinking Norwegians might have a connection. Turns out the woman's uncle is Albert Quie, former governor of Minnesota, who is Cynthia's cousin.
'Lizabeth & Clark at Lizard's
Mary and 'Lizabeth
3 Dec: We awakened in Columbia, South Carolina late this morning and were still abed when my phone alarm chimed 9am, time to take pills (as required by the hematologists at UNC. Last night Cynthia fell asleep whilst Ron was typing/ researching, so in the wee hours of early morning, he is now apologizing to all you faithful readers for blogging so infrequently in the past months... and probably the future ones as well - too many fun things ... Plan for the day is to join Clark and Liz at the train club for a couple of hours [DONE], check Greg and Donna's home for a couple of minutes [DONE], and continue computer stuffs [continuing]. MaryLou Bohler has also deceased since our last visit here in October; she was a delightful friend who nicknamed Ron "Wild Man". May she rest in peace and be with her Charlie again. Ron takes this as a reminder to be happy to be alive and to enjoy every minute of life. Cynthia agrees: Life is good. Ain't love grand?
2 Dec: It was a long, cold ride from Hilton Head to Columbia, but the back-road scenery was very pleasant. Vegetation has all changed into winter wear with browns and grays predominating. Sharon and Don delighted us with a good morning of conversation and a decent breakfast at a local diner. Imagine our continued delight to have dinner with six of our favorite friends in Columbia, missing only Greg and Donna who are on baby sitting station in Minnesnowda. Unfortunately the interim has been hard for everyone. Tom and Cheryl just lost their newly remodeled condo in Gatlinburg to the flames; Mary's loss of Vince is still too recent and too cruel; 'Lizabeth's new knee is swollen and restrictive. The good news is that we are all still alive to "enjoy the disadvantages of aging", all except Vince, whose cheerful presence was too sadly, permanently absent. Ron again got busy with Swedish Colonial packages after returning to the Hilton Garden Inn. The backlog has grown to four or five now since he spent so much time in North Carolina working on Cynthia's James Lea book. There are just too many fun things to do in life - and it would be overwhelming on a daily basis if he were less committed to his enjoyments.
1 December- Charleston, SC is Cynthia's dream city. The open air market was very fascinating and full of too-cute items to delight the grandmother of a 2-year-old. Imagine her joy when told that they can ship purchases! And ship they did. After an intoxicating hour of shopping, we departed Charleston about 11AM, stopped for Ruby Tuesday in Beaufort, and arrived on Hilton Head Island, SC about 3:00 PM. Hurricane Mathew's direct hit on this island left tree debris everywhere. No telling how long it will take to cart all that elsewhere. Cousin Sharon is so much fun. She prepared a lovely salmon dinner with fingerling potatoes and salad. We had so much fun with so much to talk about until we are all exhausted. Zzzzzzz

Monday, October 31, 2016

November - Following Fall South

30 Nov: The Smooch Family is headed south from Atlantic Beach, NC on any road (likely 17) to avoid rain. The winds are strong, the 75 degree temperature is great, even warm. The rain didn't last long. An eagle was spotted soaring over us; we arrived at a Meeting Street Inn, a marvelous old hotel in the historic district of Charleston, SC hungry enough to go out for dinner. The Low Country Bistro gave us a ten dollar discount because they couldn't meet our dietary restrictions. Tomorrow we continue touring the city. Now we sleep. Zzz good night. We arrive at Cousin Sharon's on Hilton Head Thursday, then Columbia, SC on Friday for a week stay.
29 Nov. Ron arose at daybreak to photograph the gorgeous sunrise that disappeared when clouds appeared and the winds picked up. Cynthia edited files all the day long! Packing was Ron's game plan for the day. Recycling was another big project. We skipped lunch and ate at the hotel again this evening. Windsurfers were out enjoying the high surf and windy day. We. Are. Packed.
28 Nov: Progress is being made on the Reunion Files (Software for the MAC to organize lineages). Ron walked the beach to Food Lion returning with very tired legs, the left arm does not seem as swollen. Dinner at the hotel was surprisingly good. We started packing for departure early AM Wednesday. This hotel does not have laundry facilities. WooHoo! We have walked about 4o miles this week.
27 Nov: Atlantic Beach, NC working away entering research data, taking a break for a 3 mile roundtrip walk to Food Lion. Gorgeous but humid day. We worked on our files so late we rode to dinner at the Island Grille.
26 Nov: Only 28 more sunrises before Christmas. Ron walked to the store while Cynthia edited genealogy files that became corrupt through merging. Tonight we rode to dinner at the Island Grille. Mark 11:24.
25 Nov: Atlantic Beach, NC - a gorgeous day - 72 humid degrees. A morning 3 mile walk to the post office and Food Lion for pretzels, sorbet and popsicles with zero fat was mmmm satisfying. After several hours on our electronics we ventured forth to the Island Grille for dinner only to discover Ron wasn't hungry after sorbet, pretzels, popsicles and 2 bowls of fat- free cereal with frozen fruit and protein powder. We split an entree of Mahi-mahi. Our daily walk totaled 10 miles. No. we did not do any Black Friday shopping but we talked to people who did buy clothes and TV sets. Photo of sunset taken near Island Grille
24 Nov: Happy Thanksgiving!!! Thanks be to God for all things living, each other, our health, each other, our family, each other, and for you, our friends, we thank God! Our 17 year old niece Erika is in Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City making big news in her home town of Edwardsville, Illinois. We watched the parade, delighted to catch a glimpse of Erika, walked the beach enjoying waves, sandpipers, fishermen and Cynthia found some babies to talk to before the hotel's Thanksgiving Day Buffet. Tryptophan kicked in. Zzzzzzzz
23 Nov: Atlantic Beach, NC. After basking in the hotel room sun, we were surprised by a chilly walk to Food Lion; the return walk was warm. Update on Ron's deep vein thrombosis: the swelling in the left arm is significantly reduced. We plan 8 days of work on manuscripts and family group sheets before traveling to Columbia, SC. Energized by a 3mile walk this AM, we were encouraged to walk 3 miles to our favorite restaurant, the Island Grille, totaling 9 BIG miles today.
22 Nov: Departure for Atlantic Beach, NC for 8 more RON - REST days. temperatures call for heated gear, seats and handlebars for the three hour ride in 40 degree weather - now subtract another ten degrees for riding in the wind. Our first stop is the Orange County Register of Deeds Office by invitation. The recorder of Deeds is most impressed with Ron's' map platting. The day promised no hint of warmth; even the chronic hypothermic Ron was cold.
21 Nov: Cold! Very Cold! 38 degrees - 10 degrees = 28 degree riding weather on the bike from Hyco Lake to Yanceyville to the courthouse and library. Cynthia was thankful for Gerbings heated gear. Ron's new friend Bill invited us to lunch at the Yanceyville Country Club. Bill and his delightful wife, Karen, from old families local to the area, made our day. They are so fun we must return in the spring on our way to Philadelphia. All of the Deeds we intended to photograph are completed. Cynthia downloaded the book, "Murder in the Courthouse," about a crime in Caswell County during Reconstruction. Our friend Paul G. phoned tonight from his new home in Tonga to tell us construction begins tomorrow on his new home. Paul relocated from Hawaii about two years ago.
20 Nov: Where heaven touches Hyco (Lake Hyco) the temperature dropped to 31 degrees over night. The sun sparkles like diamonds on the lake - embraced by hills dressed in autumn bronze. Ron is deed platting, needing additional Deeds from Caswell County courthouse tomorrow. Taking a computer break we pack in preparation for departure on Tuesday. Smooch Smooch thought our clothes should be laundered again this year. Sniff Sniff! Well, maybe. Noon-thirty we hikety to Dockers Grill for lunch. Ain't love grand?
19 Nov: Accu Weather reports 64 degrees and sunny. Ron and Cynthia are hard at work on the Lea book; taking a lunch break, we walked 4.4 miles round trip to Dockers Grill marveling at autumn in all her finery; during lunch the skies clouded over, temperatures dropped, whorls of leaves swirled through the air, water was whipped into whitecaps on the lake: "these autumn leaves, November, December." The Smooch Family News: Grandson Eric had a car accident in Ft. Worth, but everyone is Ok.

18 Nov: Life is good. We sure have fun together. Breakfast by Smooch was extraordinaire - and off we rode to the Orange County Library in Hillsborough to review Deeds. Orange County Deed Registrar, Mark Chilton, has published the first of 4 volumes of area land grants. The oversized book is exceptionally nice with fine quality paper. Lunch at Saratoga Grill is always a treat. From Hillsborough we drove to Yanceyville to photograph Deeds in the courthouse and took a road less traveled to Dockers Grill to enjoy the sunset on the lake. The late afternoon sunlight shimmered like diamonds on spectacular fall foliage. Oops! In the restaurant Ron realized he left his keychain and leatherman tools buried under leaves outside the courthouse (knives aren't allowed beyond security.). After eating a grilled chicken breast Ron returned to Yanceyville to retrieve the hidden items, dropping Cynthia off on the road to the lake house. Home again, home again, jiggity jig! Deer are out in abundance especially at night; 6 were at the corner of Solomon Lea Road tonight. See the road to our lake house:
17 Nov: Yanceyville today, Roxboro yesterday. Our days are short, with restful reading deed abstracts in libraries. Ron prepares egg white omelets for breakfast, but decent restaurants are not to be found. Yanceyville has a Subway and an Asian restaurant. A restful lake Hyco.
16 Nov: A beautiful note from a lovely couple we met at Balcary Bay in Scotland:
"I am so sorry to hear that Ron is having some medical problems. I read his blog every day and never cease to wonder at the energy and happiness you two enjoy. My geography of the states is getting very good as I look at the map and trace your routes. I enjoy googling the places you visit and read about the history of the places and learn something new. So you see Ron's blog is a continual geography lesson. So pleased we met you at Balcary Bay. I hope you will both be on the road again but please take care and God bless you,". Wynn
Thank you dear friend!
15 Nov: Still ensconced in room 4833: the attending physician reports the Hematologist wants Ron to stay for an additional five days and change Eliquis RX to Warfarin. We disagreed. Instead the Eliquis RX will be increased from 5mg to 10mg. And we were released with orders for Ron to rest during the double dose of Eliquis. The motorcycle was exactly where it was left in ER parking. Cynthia drove the rental car back to the lake house to be dropped off at Roxboro tomorrow instead of the Raleigh-Durham airport. Ron bought food en route. Plans post Tuesday are in ICloud.
14 Nov: Rm 4833, UNC Medical Center, Chapel Hill, NC. EUREKA !! After another three diagnostic procedures, the senior cardiologist said that Ron's situation is not at all unusual for pacemaker patients and that the best treatment is time to allow the body bypass the blockage. Let's hope the hematologist agrees. Since we are in an Oncology/hematology wing, they may have the final say about our discharge. Since today is rainy and cloudy, it is not a bad day to stay indoors. For exercise we walked more than 1.54 miles in the hallways of the Oncology wings. Ron is getting lots done to prepare for more Lea families plat plotting.
Will we go home tomorrow?? Stay tuned.

13 Nov, Chapel Hill, NC: Early AM a very kind male nurse from ER took Cynthia to Raleigh Durham airport to rent a car to go to our rental house and gather some belongings. The nurse waited for her and led her all the way back to Roxboro. An echocardiogram , a CT Scan, more labs, continued Heparin on IV, plus visits by various professionals took up our day. We were moved to a pleasant Room with a view. The Super moon is indeed super. Thanks to Jim and Joni for sharing photos of the Moon over Maryland.
12 Nov: Ron worked on NC Deeds until 2:30 AM because of excitement discovering they are on the web. We don't have to return to Raleigh. The library in Hillsborough closes at one. But Wally World is open so we can buy groceries and a compression sleeve. It is a gorgeous fall day on Hyco Lake. After a lovely lunch at Saratoga Grill Ron talked to Walt ((MIT alum, Dr. ) who strongly suggested Ron go to ER to have his arm/hand checked for a blood clot. We first went to UNC Clinic in Hillsborough who sent us on to UNC in Chapel Hill to have a venous Doppler (sonogram) that confirmed Ron does indeed have a blood clot in the veins where the pacemaker lead is attached. He was admitted, put in Heparin IV to test for clotting considering he is already on 3 powerful blood thinners to prevent clots
11 Nov: Veterans Day: Thank you. Sunrise started with a magnificent powder blue horizon blending into a luscious lavender. As the sun rose further, the fall foliage across the lake sparkled with burgundy and orange highlights. Vets Day means courthouses and deed offices are closed changing our plans to ride into Person County. Instead, we walked 4.2 miles roundtrip to Dockers Grill for grilled chicken and salad. The 70 degree weather was perfect. Ron chatted on the phone held to his left ear to keep his arm elevated. We spent the rest of the day working on the Lea book and DNA projects.
10 Nov: The ride into Yanceyville Library was very chilly. The Kendall Deed Book we ordered to replace the library's stolen/lost book arrived yesterday. Ron took 351 photos of the Deeds for map platting. Randall (a Lea/Lee cousin) arrived at the library late morning; we took a break for lunch at Subway - buying a foot long so Cynthia can have half for dinner tonight. (we can't go out for dinner because the driveway is too risky downhill on gravel after dark:thirty.) The electrophysiologist was emailed for a North Carolina referral in because Ron's left arm remains swollen - despite sleeping with the left arm elevated. Riots in 25 cities does the cause no good, behaving exactly as expected DT supporters would behave. Self destruction.
9 Nov: Hyco Lake - doing research. Today was chilly. Ron took a walk in the AM talking to Sistah Carol processing the election, a later afternoon walk to Dockers for food. The sunset was marvelous with two very unique rainbows arcing from a light sky into a darker, deeper blue night sky. What would the world be like if people listened to one another - accepting differences - not demanding. That is a democracy.

8 Nov: Hyco Lake - working on our research/computers sitting lakeside will beat sitting in libraries and courthouses for a couple of days. Verizon and Wi-Fi signals are not great. After a 4.4 mile walk (round trip) to Dockers Grill, we discovered it is closed Mondays and Tuesdays. There is a very nice young man in the convenience store next door to Dockers. Ron worked on Deeds lakeside. Looking ahead at our calendar, we have reservations for 10 days at Atlantic Beach, NC and a week at Columbia, SC to 2-10 December when cold weather will likely send us to Florida until Texas time in January.

7 Nov: Yanceyville, NC, the courthouse and the library are today's focus. The library genealogy room has not been organized for sometime. Ron organized the books in proper order searching for Vol. 1 of Caswell County Deeds by Katherine Kerr Kendall; it is missing. We bought a copy via Amazon to donate to the library after we use take photos. Dinner was at Subway. Oh my.

6 Nov: Good grief! A thief stole our week. On this day we sleep in, dine out, pack up, move out and move in ( to a lakefront vacation rental for ten days.) In between the ins and outs we will walk. We avoid news. Views from the lakehouse.
5 Nov: Roxboro, NC - our day in Person County Library was pleasant. We sorta/kinda enjoyed breakfast at the Open Kettle because they prepared egg white vegetable omelets with cooking spray; grits were made without butter. Dinner at Timberland Diner was... well.. made without oil, but zero ambiance.

4 Nov: The ride from Suffolk, VA to Roxboro, NC was indeed very pleasant. Upon checking in to the hotel, Cynthia was denied the customary honors Diet Coke. 6 Points were not recorded in our Hilton Honors account, but a phone call to HHonors resolved the issue pushing us into the next tier (so we are earning double points to the end of the year) and Cynthia gets a Diet Coke NOW! We choose Hilton Garden Inn because they make egg white veggie omelets and we avoid vendor breakfast garbage. Ron researched deeds in the Person County courthouse using the new tripod. Dinner at the Country Club Steakhouse was yummy good with zero ambiance.

3 Nov: Lewes, DE saying goodbye to Dean and Janina after an IHOP breakfast, on the road by 11:00 AM through DE, MD and on to Suffolk, VA arriving at 3:30 PM. The ride over the Chesapeake Bay bridge was beyond beautiful; the ride was pleasant, the temperature very warm. An eagle flew overhead. See photo of the rear entrance of the nicest Hilton Garden Inn we have enjoyed to date, built by the city of Suffolk. Our room has a view of the river; the sunset was spectacular.

2 Nov: Lewes, DE, Janina wondered if we miss having a home; we think, "Where we are doesn't matter, because we are." (Ron kissed the bride). The left arm and hand has been swollen the past three days; the electrophysiologist emailed a response to the photos, "This doesn't sound acute, try sleeping differently." A great 4.5 mile hike took us past 7 turtles lined up in a row, a dead, baby snake, and through a lovely canopy of trees. Dinner tonight was at Jake's Seafood; afterwards Dean showed us a video of a triathlon he won and another video their trip to Santorini, Greece.
1 Nov: Dewey Beach, Delaware visiting bro Dean and wife Janina; we enjoyed hiking through Ft. Miles followed by dinner at The Big Fish Grill. Carol was on a speaker phone giving instruction while we looked at chromosomes.


Saturday, October 1, 2016

October Leaves on Wheels

31 Oct: Dewey Beach, DE: Happy Birthday Bro Dean!!! Its a stellar day; we had a marvelous ride from Philly to bring Dean his birthday gift in person, a hug and kiss; Ron gave the hug saying Janina would give him the kiss. The fall foliage was vivid once we reached Delaware; a working lunch with John Tepe in Wilmington at Janssen's Market was very good; the temperatures cooled off closer to Dover, DE. We enjoyed a great fish dinner at Big Fish Restaurant and a tour of Dean and Janina's charming new home.
30 Oct: Indian summer in Philadelphia: the weather is glorious. We didn't need jackets on the ride to meet Herb and Zofia for lunch at Scoogi's. Philadelphia's iconic old stone barns and picturesque farms provide great pleasure.
29 Oct: Appointments at the seminary to work with John T. on the SCS FF applications and Ken P for Volume 7. Working Lunch included Jim Z. The old oak tree, once sitting at the entrance to the Brossman Center, was cut down and had tree doctor determine age of 325 years old. George Washington once camped on this hill at the Battle to Germantown. Dinner tonight was with MIT friend Eric C. At his Penthouse apartment on Rittenhiuse Square (once owned by Katherine Hepburn). The other delightful dinner guests are historians and archivists. The experience of riding downtown on Saturday night was surreal. A big Halloween party was going on for blocks with all sorts of creatures out and about. The weirdest ones were not in costume. The bike was parked several blocks away in a very old neighborhood. Photos are from the penthouse patio:
28 Oct: 40 degrees, but sunny, riding to the seminary archives to work. Lunch at McMenamins with the archivist John P. We met new best friends at Scoogi's; two very delightful ladies were willing to join us for dinner and listen to our stories. They thought a movie should be made about us suggesting Meryl Streep to play Cynthia - and Clint Eastwood for Ron if only he was not so old! P When we return to Philadelphia we will invite them to dine with us again. Oh what fun!
27 Oct: Morning temperature was again 37 degrees with a real feel of 33. Ron rode to the Archives alone while Cynthia worked on SCS projects in a cozy, warm hotel room; new Hoka One shoes arrived in time for trial on the treadmill. Life and Forefather Membership applications were completed for all family members. Sister Carol was approved for Life Membership with Forefather status, too, making our family a powerhouse takeover! EllaRuth congratulated Ron on inheriting 11 grandchildren.
26 Oct: The temperature is 37 degrees making it very cool for the ride to the Archives. We have stayed north too long. After morning archival work Sally W. arrived for a tour of the museum followed by lunch at McMenamin's with Joel G. Ron is making progress discovering the meanings of cryptic source markings on family group sheets.
25 Oct: Hotel guests and wait staff are quite amused by our newlywed behavior. Ron explained to a nearby breakfast diner, "We have been married five years, five months and 13 days; marrying at our age gives certainty to living happily ever after." We managed a short walk to the mall in a pleasant 55 degree weather; Ron continued on to work in the Archives while Cynthia worked on the MAC in the hotel room doing SCS DNA research and upgrading to Version 11 of Reunion for the MAC.
24 Oct: Archives at the Lutheran Seminary for another day of archival research. We lunched with Kim-Eric at McMenamin's - dinner at Scoogi's with Kim and Jim Z. Re: the archives. The temperature is supposed to increase the remainder of this week.
23 Oct - 31 Oct : Plymouth Meeting; we will leave here a week from Monday to visit brother Dean and wife Janina in Lewes, Delaware. We had a marvelous brunch with Jean C. at Scoogi's in Flourtown.
22 Oct: Plymouth Meeting, PA, Archives; some vital books are missing from the archives along with a backup hard drive. On to McMenimins with Jim Z - then home to Smooch Smooch - followed by dinner at Kim-Eric's new home in Exton, PA. Life is good except for the traffic! It is raining Harry Potter: the streets are jammed with major Harry Potter gatherings.
21 Oct: O what a beautiful morning. My goodness, it's Friday already. Time is flying fast. We are off to the archives for a day of archival work with fun friends for lunch at McMenamin's and dinner at Scoogi's. A cool front is approaching with wet stuff.
20 Oct: Philly for two Weeks: Breakfasts at the Doubletree are majorly delicious; the delightful dining room manager spends time sharing his pride that his only daughter graduated from Harvard with a degree in neuroscience. The Swedish Colonial Society meeting this afternoon was at Gloria Dei Church (where we married), and dinner tonight with John, Emily and Kim on the ship Moshulu (where we had the wedding morning after brunch). Cynthia and Kim-Eric enjoyed deep discussions about church polity.
19 Oct: Mt. Airy, PA: Lutheran Theological Seminary working with John T., Kim-Eric and Bev W.; Kim gave us a tour of the new Swedish Museum where we were astounded to see our wedding photo sitting in front of Ron's books. Cynthia donated her wedding dress, but it is not yet on display. We enjoyed a delightful lunch at McMenimin's Tavern where everyone Skoled with Hefeweisen ale. It was a Great day with good friends. The fire alarm sounded with a call to evacuate the hotel by walking down stairs. By the time we reached the lobby the danger was over so we boogied back by elevator.
18 Oct: jessup, MD: Bob's BMW 12,000 mile service, two new tires and a few misc checks. We stayed at a Quality Inn last night within walking distance to the cycle shop; this morning an altercation broke out in the breakfast room between some guests (looked like druggies) Oh well. We walked the 1.1 mile to Bob's and We enjoyed a test ride on an F700 today. MY Gawd, it seems like a tiny toy. I will go for a second, solo ride to see what more I think about it. Cynthia felt unsettling vibration and felt insecure without a top case to lean against. I advised her to hold on tight, so I thoroughly enjoyed the missing top case. Bob's has a loaner R1200RS that might work well, but it was loaned out today. Apparently they also have a loaner F800GS that will be worth riding, maybe later if the service takes longer than anticipated. After service we will ride to Philadelphia for two weeksof meetings and work in the Archives.
17 Oct: Departing Gaithersburg, MD for Jessup, MD after SCS meeting about DNA project. The bike was left at Bob's BMW for early morning service. Ron walked back to our hotel.
16 Oct; Gorgeous wedding. Full moon. Awesome evening. WooHoo!
15 Oct: oh my! The wedding rehearsal is over and the bride has jitters. We took a stroll around the lake after a light lunch. Tonight was the H ayride and campfire on the gorgeous Smokey Glen Farm. On another note: Our brother- in-law Dr. Robert Baker has a new book out titled Gravitational Waves with a Foreword by Dr. Buzz Aldrin: "Among other excellent discussions this book presents to me an entirely new concept in multiuniverses. Its Chapter 11 describes the osculation or ”kissing” of other universes with our Universe, not the largest scales of our Universe, at huge black holes or “worm holes,” but instead at the smallest scales where the so-called quantum-mechanical “frenzy” or “foam” exists."
14 Oct: Gaithersburg, MD and Mt. Airy, MD preparing for the wedding celebration. We enjoyed a great night with the bride and groom at their home and later dinner at Mt. Airy Tavern. This morning we enjoyed breakfast at IHop's. Our suite at the Courtyard Marriott in Gaithersburg is marvelous, overlooking a lake with duckies, geese and a great boardwalk to enjoy a walkity. Tonight's dinner with gathered guests was at Uncle Julio's.
13 Oct: Hagerstown, MD library, courthouse and historical society researching Ron's Sweeney's while Cynthia went to a spa; then on the road again to Mt. Airy, MD for the wedding festivities.
12 Oct: Scranton, PA to Hagerstown, MD. The Hilton Hotel in Scranton was very nice with a terrific breakfast. The ride with views of fall foliage kissed our eyes with joy! We arrived at the Hampton Inn near Hagerstown (out in the boonies) about 4PM. Happy Birthday Sweet 16 Zoe!
11 Oct: Killington, VT to Scranton, PA, arrival by 7:00 PM. Tiny fawn, three Hawks and a Smooch Smooch on the back who was disappointed because she looked short, round and thought three guys laughed at her.
10 Oct: Morning hike real feel was 38 degrees above zed. Ron, the trail maintenance man, was hard at work having too much fun. Tonight we pack. Tomorrow we ride!
9Oct: Killington, VT Hiking!
8 Oct: Milford, NH, the Pasta Loft once again served as the venue for MIT friends, Rick and Sherry, Irja and Mike, BD and Drew, Bob (without Rachel), Ed and Mary, and Robert L. The city was in the midst of the Pumpkin Festival so parking was at the high school with a shuttle downtown. The ride from Killington to Milford was 3 hours but the brilliant foliage was breathtaking. The good news is that we got back to Killington without rain or deer or moose in the roads. There was a fly by scare from a big bird that looked like a night flying hawk. I'd estimate that he missed my head by a good five feet. The roads were wet from Hanover to Woodstock, but no rain fell on our parade. It was chilly at 59 degrees, but last year I remember snow atop the motorcycle about this time. It is raining here now, so I hope you are all getting a little relief from the drought as well. From here we head south on Tuesday. Methinks that we will visit Beanie in Keene if Cynthia's raspy throat clears up. Otherwise we will probably go east first to look for New York color, then south into PA and MD. Cynthia will probably be rehearsing her sermon behind me the whole way.
7 Oct: Inn at Long Trail - Killington, VT, Breakfasts are fun, especially seeing Wanee and Maria. We hiked the Sherburne Pass Trail with Cynthia turning back at the sink hole, Ron turned back at the blocked pathway. Oke arrived with hugs. Owen said hi on the run. Ron rode a circuitous route to view foliage. The color is peak. Cynthia is working on the wedding ceremony.
6 Oct: Albany, NY to Killington, VT arriving at noon thirty feeling excited to be "home" at the Inn at Long Trail to hike and ride through New England's brilliant fall foliage. Two fun ladies from Wales took our pictures. Bob, Brogan, Murray and Patty hugged us royally.
5 Oct: Departing Coudersport, PA to Albany, NY. The ride through Pennsylvania's Grand Canyon was marvelous. Trying to find lunch in Sayre, PA was not.
4 Oct: Departing Novelty, Ohio towards Vermont. Leaves are turning as we watch. Walt and Pam had breakfast with us; Walt rode with us to the PA border where we rode on into the Allegheny National Forest. The foliage has grown increasingly brilliant from Warren, PA to Coudersport, PA. We saw our second eagle soaring overhead.
3 Oct: Novelty, Ohio enjoying camaraderie with MIT friend Walt and his lovely wife Pam. Marvelous breakfast at Cafe Michael's, dinner at M Italian in Chagrin, Ohio. We walked through the woods on their lovely farm.
2 Oct: Vermilion to Novelty, Ohio for a day with Pam snd Walt.
1 Oct. West Lafayette, Indiana to Sandusky, OH -- OOPS -- Vermilion, Ohio. Mostly we are happy to have avoided heavy rain hitting several showers instead. We bypassed Sandusky after not finding waterfront hotels or restaurants on Lake Erie; instead Sanduskyhotels are clumped together five blocks from the water looking all too crowded. We continued on toVermilion where Ron found a Holiday Inn Express with an exorbitant price; but they were almost sold out and we are tired.